Can I really learn to defend myself with less than 12-minutes a day?
Many experts are discovering the power of micro learning in today’s fast-paced and distracted environment. A short-focused burst of learning is proven to be more effective than longer sessions. In terms of self-defence, you get to focus on one technique each day, but by the end of each week it adds up to a very effective skill. The first few lessons are free to try, so you can really see the full potential of this new type of self-defence training.
At the end of each module there is a review lesson with a sequence drill that reviews all the techniques covered from the previous four lessons. There is even an option to embed these skills further to muscle memory with a visualisation process (mental rehearsal) and you can read about the benefits of this here. Even the review sessions in modules five and six recap the techniques from the other modules, so your level of repetition on all techniques over the 30-days is very high. This is the key to making self-defence instinctive and a life skill.
What is covered in the 30 days?
There are 6 modules, and as well as covering topics on situational awareness and tactical communication, they cover the most common attack scenarios, like defending against being pinned and punched, a flurry of punches, wrist and other common grabs, even a realistic defence against a knife thrust.
There is even a bonus 7th module that teaches you how to incorporate micro training the Simplified and Adaptable Combat System (SACS) into other regular routines, like running, going to the gym, housework, even when watching TV.
How does the visualisation tool work?
Top athletes and performers have long realised that mental rehearsal can not only improve technique but also help overcome performance nerves. Include them in a self-defence system and they become a powerful tool against tonic immobilisation (freezing in the moment of fear)
Our visualisation processes allow you to mentally rehearse responding to an attack 50 times in less than 7-minutes. All visualisations have been designed based on up-to-date visualisation and neurology research.
Is it legal to use these skills to defend myself?
The law and self-defence is covered in module one. One of the most important first lessons in self-defence is to step back (if possible) and keep distance from any stranger or potentially dangerous person. We call this ‘fortress ready’ and it’s not only to ensure we don’t become a victim of a headbutt or sucker punch, but also to show any CCTV or witnesses that we backed off and warned our attacker, and therefore acted ‘reasonably’. We then have the right to defend ourselves, even with pre-emptive strikes (learn more about this in module one).
Do I need a training partner for this to be effective?
Some of our instructional videos have partner or assistant drills, this is where someone holds up some ‘everyday’ objects to develop focus and distancing, for example, a large cushion used to strike elbows against.
If you don’t have anyone to assist or practice with then you can use visualisation or freestanding targets like a punch bag or even a tree branch.
Some martial arts have special sequences of set moves called a kata or form, where you imagine being attacked from multiple angles. It’s great for practicing a combination of techniques and improving footwork. We have included a sequence to practice at the end of each module.
Can I do more than one lesson each day?
For some people 7-12 minutes each day is too short a time. We encourage more practice, especially of the previous lessons rather than moving onto the next lesson. Rushing through techniques leads to poor execution.
The key to defending against a larger attacker and even multiple attackers is to move with speed and power, this can only be achieved with good technique.
What happens once the 30 days are complete?
You have the App for life! Without some occasional review of these skills, they will become less effective. Our bonus 7th module contains extra training material to help you make practicing these skills a habit. For example, there are sequences you can do in the gym, on a run, around the house, even in front of the TV.
You can also progress to our intermediate, advanced and HIIT fitness (High Intensity Interval Training) course to develop your skills even further.
Do I need to renew my subscription?
No, we are glad to offer this course as a one-off low payment for life. Mu-shin Self-defence mission is to equip as many good people as possible with the physical, tactical and mental skills to escape danger and all forms of violence. By keeping it affordable we hope everyone can access this course and have an instinctive go-to in the face of danger and violence.
The self-defence conundrum
On average, and for most martial arts, training 2-3 times a week for four years is the time required to achieve the coveted black belt.
But does this guarantee that you can handle a violent attack?
The effectiveness of a martial art in terms of dealing with a violent street attack varies greatly between the styles, and also how it is taught. I would argue that eventually most martial arts get you to a point where you have some useful skills against a street attack, it’s more a question of how quickly they achieve this.
In karate for example, a lot of time is spent learning etiquette, developing flexibility, the basics (kihon), form (kata) and competition sparring (kumite). When taught correctly can develop students into lethal weapons. However, because there is so much to learn, especially if you are working through a grading syllabus, you could be a couple of years into your training before you really start to think about applying these techniques to a realistic street attack.
As for self-defence courses; the level of realistic and effective techniques taught on a short course vary drastically. For example, you may have seen people learning to strike with the palm of their hands, but without properly engaging their body and therefore their power. Hitting a larger aggressive attacker several times in the face with palm strikes is only going to make him angrier, motivating to him to hit back harder. Strikes must be powerful and targeted and make your attacker non-functional. Also, if for a short period of time you learn a set of self-defence skills in May 2023, and without any further practice of these skills, do you think you will remember how to execute them if someone attacks you 2 years after your self-defence course?
30 day challenge – starter course
Who should join the 30-day challenge?
The course has been designed for anyone from 12-80 years old. You don’t need any previous martial arts or self-defence experience. It can be completed in a room of approximately 2 meter squared, or even better, outside in nature. No training equipment is required, though we do make some recommendation later on in the course, especially if you have a partner to work with (optional).
Become a self-defence micro mastery expert
Fortress ready & elbow strikes
Learn to instinctively create distance and stand with a confident and stable stance. Strike using the 3 principles of power, and learn situational awareness and tactical communication skills. Experience your first visualisation process to accelerate skill levels.

Instinctive blocking
Protect your head with quick natural blocks, retaliating immediately with multiple strikes. Use feign and storm tactics to surprise an attacker. Learn to use your environment tactically to avoid danger.

Escaping common grabs
Develop a simplified and adaptable approach to avoiding (instinctively keep distance in the first place) and escaping the most common grabs, automatically retaliating with power and speed.

Striking Tactical Targets
Regardless of an attackers size, we all have the same physiology, learning where to strike, and with speed and power is the only way to deal with someone large and aggressive. It is also the starting point to deal with multiple attackers.

Simple kicks to escape attacks
Why learn to kick high when its easier, safer and more effective to kick low. Here you will learn how to add kicks to your striking combinations to give you extra range and surprise to your attacker.

Instinctive knife defence one
There is no miracle technique for knife attacks, the key is to spotting it before it’s too late, and creating distance, preferably where you can run. This deflect, strike and run strategy will improve the odds.

Embedding a life habit
After 30 days you will have an instinctive and effective go-to against danger and violence, but what about in 3 years from now? Module 7 shows you how to refresh these skills within your weekly routine, so they become an instinctive life skill.

in 30 days
Just 7-12 minutes a day develop instinctive self-defence skills